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Australian Farmers With Decades of Growing Experience

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Offering a lifetime of

experience on the land

Our local team at BioFlora Pty Ltd provide an exceptional range of sustainable and organic agricultural products, backed by our friendly service and down-to-earth advice. 

As part of BioFlora® Global Organics, Bioflora Pty Ltd provides growers with market-leading, sustainable solutions which nurture the partnership between soil and plants.

Founded in 1972

BioFlora® Global Organics

BioFlora® was the first company that formed the Global Organics® Group. Focused on meeting the needs of growers, our team of trusted experts are committed to ensuring customer satisfaction.

As experts in

the agricultural industry

We offer over 40 years of hands-on expertise, which contributes to the ongoing success of our company. We understand the importance of soils and plants, and we’re dedicated to ensuring growers achieve excellent results through our innovative soil and plant health solutions.


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